November 13, 2010

Travels (to Italy) From a Tea Cup

When I was only 15 years old, it was my experience to travel to Italy.  My travels led me to Florence, Venice. and Milan as well as the picturesque Lake Como region.  This extraordinary adventure marked the first time I had ever been in a plane, the first time I had ever left the country, and was this magnificent opportunity which sparked my life-long love of travel.  

My readers know that I have always loved the unique way in which my experiences with tea have brought me in touch with people from different parts of the world and at times have allowed me to travel from a tea cup.

So it is with all the excitement and sparkle that my tea-sipping, travel-loving spirit can muster and shine that I share another chapter of Travels From A Tea Cup.  Recently I got the chance to design a blend for a tea lover (and fellow ATB member), who happens to live in the Tuscan region of Italy.

It is always with a heart of gratitude that I share any and all of the reviews that I have been fortunate to receive this past year.  And this time is no different.  I was taken by the care that she takes to explain the PersonaliTEA form and process, as well the artistic photographs taken of the tea leaves floating, and the words of inspiration by which this blend SereniTEA was created.

There was a magical feel about this tea.  There seemed to be a measure of mystery and fantasy wrapped up in this blend, perhaps because she wanted her tea to transport her to a Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale, through a forest and across a meadow.  SereniTEA is a pleasurably peaceful blend that is light and sweet and delicate. 

Read the Whole Review Here on SereniTEA.

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