However, all the recent trends here in America have been pushing against the stodgy uptight prudishness of lace doilies and more and more men are proudly pounding back mugs of tea and mixing a bit of testosterone-laden madness in their proclamations that "Yes, REAL MEN DRINK TEA!"
Macho Matcha - although the name and the blog's subtitle, Tea For Tough Guys, is decidedly male, the entry about the Matcha Facial belies the Tough-Guy moniker. That being said, the very suggestion of men drinking and singing the praises to the wonders and health benefits of green tea is worthy enough to note. **Follow him on Twitter @machomatcha
Mr Tea - A Blog About Tea From A Regular Old Guy. This late-20's tea-loving cutie has a video-driven blog site that reviews teas. In homage to the iconic 80's figure "Mr T", he starts off every episode claiming "I pity the fool who don't drink tea!" He ups ante with his regular-guy approach to talk about and exploring tea, tea companies, accessories...and don't forget to try out his Earl Grey MarTEAni (I know I will!)
My favorite Manly Blog Entry: Episode #18: All You Need To Know About Tea To Get Girls
ManTeas - Going full tilt with the idea that Real Men Drink Tea is ManTeas. From the whimsically suggestive logo with the tea balls to the list of the manliest teas known to man. That's right. No flowers, no potpurri-smelling blends and definitely no rose petals!
Favorite Video: Tea with Mike Tyson It's every bit as surreal as it sounds....
Manly teas include: Beer Tea, Jalepeno Tea and Maple Bacon Tea. I just ordered the Bacon Tea and will review this mad blend when I get it! **Follow on Twitter @manteas
I'd like to thank my tea-gulping brothers for their own brand of manly madness. It's always fun to meet both the men and women who make up the ever-growing CommuniTEA.
Tea is Life - Drink it in.
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