This year marks the 3rd First Flush Festival. While I couldn't find any information short of a small press release, nor did I find any reviews of the previous 2 Festivals, I made up my mind that this year I would grace the Festival with my presence.

I however will be making the sojourn with 2 extremely fun loving, tea-sipping friends of mine - making quite the pilgrimage from the Northern Jersey Shore Coastline for a whirlwind weekend to celebrate the first harvest of the ever-sacred Camillia Sinensis plant.
Is it crazy to road-trip 13 hours for a one-day Festival in honor of a small warm beverage?
But I AM mad.
Madam Potts is indeeeeeed MAD.
and I hope those of you who can will join me.
For those interested in the Festival or about the Road-Trip, please contact me: TEA CRAZY
*Photo courtesy of Cairns Unlimited
For those interested in the Festival or about the Road-Trip, please contact me: TEA CRAZY
*Photo courtesy of Cairns Unlimited
You are indeed mad, and apparently we are too! It's it awesome!? Tea + Road Trip + wacky friends + misc thangs = rocking good time.
I'm from Charleston, went last year really loved it. Great atmosphere and Mike Doughty concert was entertaining. Some small vendors selling glass and such, and jump castles ect. for kids. Plus wine for sell. Should make for a great day this year and weather is supposed to be great!
Thank you Thomas for sharing. I look forward to being there! :)
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