SIREN FM is featuring Madam Potts in their inaugural show called, "Take On..." The idea of the show is that they 'take on' a new topic and the first topic is TEA (ooh! my favorite subject!).
What does it take to create a fun PersonaliTEA?
Find out: Wednesday, April 23rd,
TIME: in the UK: 10am
If you live on the East Coast, that's 5am
but only 2am for my WCoast sippers!
audio file to follow soon
The show lasts 30minutes so TUNE IN
Or for anytime, because this is one fun radio station!

Let me know if you get the chance to listen in!
Sipping Madly!
sorry I missed it, can you get a copy for your website? ~Michelle
no worries, I will be posting a copy of the entire show, which was as charming as it was imaginative and resourceful on the topic as a whole....stay tuned and keep reading!
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